Engineering Journal of Satbayev University
<p>The purpose of the journal is to highlight new ideas, problematic issues of science and technology, the latest developments and research for a wide range of specialists. The journal contains reports on the results and achievements of research by scientists, graduate students, doctoral students, undergraduates, which have theoretical and practical significance.</p> <p>We welcome submissions of manuscripts from leading specialists in the mining and metallurgy industry, progressive R&D laboratories, commercial organizations and universities with an established mining and metallurgy profile.</p> <p>Our editors uphold transparency in research; assess articles for their scientific merit; ensure that content is devoid of any signs of discrimination; and examine information objectively and independently of any conflicts of interest. A paper that is submitted must be unique work that has never been presented or published before. When a work is submitted for publication in this journal, it is assumed that it is not already in press elsewhere or being evaluated by another journal. To maintain the highest publication standards, every manuscript goes through a comprehensive assessment procedure while adhering to all ethical rules.</p> <p>The journal was founded in 1994 under the title Vestnik KazNRTU (ISSN 2709-4766 (Online), ISSN 2709-4758 (Print)). Since 2022, the journal has changed its title to "Engineering Journal of Satbayev University" (ISSN 2959-2348 (Online)).</p> <p>Publication languages: Kazakh, Russian, and English.</p>Vestnik KazNRTUen-USEngineering Journal of Satbayev University2709-4758<p><div class="pkpfooter-son"><br /><a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src=""></a><br>This work is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License</a>.<br /></div></p>Efficiency of industrial wastewater treatment using natural bentonite sorbents
<p>The article is devoted to the current problem of the industrial town Tekeli of the Zhetysu Region, the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the area of operation the Tekeli mining and processing complex, based on TMPC LLP, where widespread pollution of water resources is observed. The main pollutant of its water basin is industrial waste of the operating enterprise located on the sites of the mining and processing complex. The water of the Karatal River is under intense pressure from the toxic components of the mining industry, which is located in the zone of the densest river network. This co-arrangement contributes to the fact that substances with gaseous, liquid and solid waste inevitably enter the river network. As a result, the nature of the deterioration in surface water quality in the Zhetysu region is becoming a steady trend. Of significant interest for the development of sorption methods for the purification of industrial effluents is the use of aluminosilicates - bentonites, as the most common and cheap. However, in a natural state without activation, they often do not have a high sorption capacity, which entails an increased consumption of them. It became necessary to obtain activated sorbents with a higher sorption capacity from natural mineral raw materials of aluminosilicates. The purpose of this work is to develop an innovative technology for cleaning industrial effluents from heavy metals using a natural sorbent – bentonite. The authors in the study used bentonite as a sorbent, as the most common and cheapest sorbent in this region. However, in their natural state without activation they often do not have a high sorption capacity, which causes increased consumption. There was a need to obtain activated sorbents with a higher sorption capacity from the natural mineral raw material bentonite for development technologies of advanced treatment of industrial effluents containing heavy metals (Zn<sup>2+</sup>, Pb<sup>2+</sup>, Cu<sup>2+</sup>).</p>M.A. JetimovL.K. YbraimzhanovaE.A. KambarovaS.A. Mamanova
Copyright (c) 2024 Engineering Journal of Satbayev University
2024-12-312024-12-311466333810.51301/ejsu.2024.i6.05New data on the study of Serpukhov deposits of the Beleuti section
<p>A working group of the International Subcommittee on Carboniferous Stratigraphy is working to determine the boundary of the Vise and Serpukhov stages. Comprehensive work was carried out with the aim of biostratigraphic substantiation of the most important boundaries of the Lower Carboniferous, including such priority boundaries as: Vise and Serpukhov, as well as studying the horizons of Vise and Serpukhov by conodonts, ammonoids and comparing them with foraminifera scales for international correlation of Kazakhstani divisions. The upper boundary of the Visean stage is adopted in the parastratotype in France. The border has not been studied enough. One of the best sections of the boundary deposits of the Vise and Serpukhov stages in Kazakhstan is the Beleuta section of the Zhezkazgan-Chu district. Geologists have been interested in Zhezkazgan-Chu district since the 18th century. One of the most studied sections is located on the Beleuty River near the confluence of the Sholaksai River in Zhezkazgan district in the Sholak mulda, it was described in the middle reaches of the Beleuta River on the right bank. The article presents the results of field paleontological and biostratigraphic work carried out in the Ulutau region (Central Kazakhstan). The purpose of these field works was to study the sections of the boundary sediments of the Vise and Serpukhov stages of the Lower carboniferous in order to clarify the correlation of regional stratigraphic units with units of the international stratigraphic scale, to substantiate the lower boundary of the Serpukhov carboniferous stage according to orthostratigraphic groups of fauna using modern methods. To achieve this goal, stratotypic sections were discovered and identified, their coordinates were established, boundary sediment layers were measured and described, lithological and paleontological work was carried out (including samples for fauna), spectrometric gamma-ray logging was carried out, organic remains, including foraminifera, were identified and described.</p>V. ZhaiminaS. MustapayevaG. Omarova
Copyright (c) 2024 Engineering Journal of Satbayev University
2024-12-312024-12-311466394610.51301/ejsu.2024.i6.06Study of processes occurrıng between ethylnaphthalenes and 1-naphthol
<p>The work is devoted to the study of an additional method for the synthesis of monoethylnaphthols by the reaction of transethylation of 1-naphthol with ethyl- and diethylnaphthalene, which are by-products of alkylation of 1-naphthol with ethanol and has a small area of application.In the catalytic process carried out in the presence of modified H-mordenite based on 1-naphthol and ethanol, along with the target products (1-ethoxynaphthalene, monoethyl-1-naphthols), up to 10.0% ethyl homologues of naphthalene are obtained. In this regard, the interaction of 1-naphthol with diethylnaphthalenes in the presence of Pd-HSVM and composite mordenite was studied, the effect of pressure on the process, which was identified as an important factor, was studied. In the presence of 1.0 wt % palladium pentasil (x=40), a positive effect of a pressure of 0.5 MPa on the results was noted, the selectivity for monoethyl-1-naphthols was 85.0%, and in the presence of H-mordenite containing zirconium, chromium and sulfur, this indicator was 94.3% under the same conditions. An increase in pressure adversely affects the course of the reaction and increases the rate of other transformations in the process, such as isomerization and disproportionation.</p>P.V. Suleymanova
Copyright (c) 2024 Engineering Journal of Satbayev University
2024-12-312024-12-311466475110.51301/ejsu.2024.i6.07A general picture of the development of moving zones and platforms of the Earth's сrust and their metallogeny from the position of the expanding and pulsating Earth
<p>Today, such important geological phenomena as the existence of planetary eras and phases of folding, on the one hand, rifting, on the other, periodic manifestations of effusive and intrusive magmatism, marine and continental sedimentation, soda and potassium metamorphism, femic and salic metallogeny are not explained by either fixist or mobilist concepts. All these forces geologists to look for other hypotheses and, first of all, turn to the hypothesis of an expanding and pulsating Earth, explaining many geological phenomena that arise before modern geology, and the very concept of an expanding and pulsating Earth fits into the general picture of the development of the substance of the Universe (matter) from the general point of view of cosmology and dialectical philosophy. It is important to emphasize the deeply dialectical nature of the very understanding of matter, associated with the idea of the diversity of its forms of motion, which are in a certain relation to each other. Recently, science has discovered many new forms of motion of matter in the microcosm: the movement and transformation of elementary particles, processes in atomic nuclei, as well as geological processes on planets with the formation of geological bodies (minerals, rocks, geological formations, geospheres). And with t o h n and k o m of the development of matter in general and material bodies in particular is the interaction between gravity and energy. Mathematically, A. Einstein expressed this by the formula E = mc<sup>2</sup> or E-mc<sup>2</sup> = 0. Currently, the development of matter is dominated by energy over gravity E-mc<sup>2</sup> > 0. It is the predominance of energy over gravity that is the driving force in the development of matter in general and material bodies in particular. The source of energy is thermonuclear processes: hydrogen, helium and other chemical elements are formed in the stars; geological bodies are formed on the planets – minerals, rocks, geological formations and geospheres due to their own material, i.e. they grow (expand). And any processes in material bodies due to their spatial movement in space relative to each other occur cyclically by pulsations, because with the spatial movement of material bodies in their orbits of motion, they approach, then move away relative to the center of their orbits of motion with changes in the magnitude of gravity. In this connection, all processes in the development of matter as a whole and material bodies occur by pulsations with general growth or expansion due to their own matter.</p>R.B. IdyryshevA.A. Zhunusov
Copyright (c) 2024 Engineering Journal of Satbayev University
2024-12-312024-12-311466525810.51301/ejsu.2024.i6.08Investigation of the composition of industrial products of vanadium production and its use for the production of heat-resistant building mixes
<p>The presented scientific article deals with the actual problem of complex processing and disposal of industrial waste from metallurgical and chemical industries in order to obtain building materials, in particular to create heat-resistant building mixtures from them. Special attention is paid to the technological processes of manufacturing heat-resistant construction mixtures from overburden, enrichment tailings, slurries and slags. A critical analysis of the current state of the processing of these types of waste and the production of heat-resistant building mixtures from them is carried out. The article provides an overview of modern technologies and their practical examples in the field of creating environmentally friendly heat-resistant construction mixtures based on recycled materials. In addition, the results of an experimental study on the development of building mixtures for the production of heat-resistant building mixtures from industrial products of vanadium production are described. The industrial product of vanadium production was investigated by chemical and X-ray spectral analysis methods. The data obtained provides an overview of the material that can be used as a component of a mixture for the production of heat-resistant construction material, applicable in obtaining various types of construction mixtures and heat-resistant blocks. To obtain heat-resistant building mixes, cement M 400, liquid glass and chamotte were mixed in various proportions, and then dried at a temperature of 100℃ for 24 hours. Further, the dried materials were kept at 1000℃ for 10 hours, which, to assess heat resistance, were heated in the temperature range of 800-1800°C for 30 minutes, followed by abrupt cooling with water. The resulting building heat-resistant mixtures had high strength characteristics (compressive strength from 32 to 45 MPa) and good heat resistance/heat resistance.</p>A.T. KhabiyevS.B. YulussovA.K. TuleshovO.S. BaigenzhenovY.S. MerkibayevT.E. Baltabay
Copyright (c) 2024 Engineering Journal of Satbayev University
2024-12-312024-12-3114661710.51301/ejsu.2024.i6.01Removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solutions by sorption with activated carbon. Review
<p>The article considers sources of hexavalent chromium in the environment, its toxicity, methods of removal, main adsorbents used for Cr(VI) removal, obtaining of carbon sorbents using different raw materials. The interpretation of the mechanism of Cr(VI) removal is given. Chromium is widely used in many industries, which results in the generation of a large amount of hazardous waste - wastewater from steel, metalworking, electroplating, tanning, automotive, paint, paper-pulp and textile plants. Chromium is one of the most dangerous inorganic pollutants because of its carcinogenic effects on biological species. In aquatic environments, chromium usually exists in the trivalent Cr(III) or hexavalent Cr(VI) state. Hexavalent chromium ions in aqueous media are highly toxic even in small amounts, and their removal from solution poses a serious wastewater treatment problem. Methods such as adsorption ion exchange, membrane separation, coagulation, chemical precipitation, extraction and electrochemical separation can remove hexavalent chromium from wastewater. Adsorption is considered to be the most efficient, economically feasible, environmentally sustainable and technologically promising process. Among adsorbents of different nature, activated carbon is the most widely used. Wood is the most common source of activated carbon but given the importance of wood in maintaining the ecosystem, alternative sources of activated carbon production are being sought. Activated carbon is produced from various materials by high temperature carbonization. Activated carbon materials have high specific surface area and developed porous structure. The micropores in activated carbon account for the physical adsorption of chromium ions. The presence of functional groups containing O and N in activated carbon affects the chemical structure and the process of chemical sorption.</p>B.K. KenzhaliyevS.S. TemirovaD.E. FisherZh.A. Baltabekova
Copyright (c) 2024 Engineering Journal of Satbayev University
2024-12-312024-12-31146681610.51301/ejsu.2024.i6.02Development of energy-saving technology for extracting valuable components from ash and slag from power plant boilers
<p>More than 300 million tons of ash have been accumulated in the dumps of power plants from the combustion of Ekibastuz coal, with an annual release of over 20 million tons. By 2050, the amount of ash in dumps is expected to exceed 1 billion tons, which could cause an environmental disaster in the regions. On the other hand, ash dumps contain a significant amount of valuable metals - Zn (0.3-4.0)%, Pb (0.1-0.9)%, Cd up to 0.028%, Ga, Ge - 200 g/t, and the average content of powdered gold is 0.8 g/t. The work aims to develop an energy-saving technology for extracting valuable ash components into sublimates and waste-free processing of the silicate part of the ash into a melt, suitable for the production of building materials. The novelty of the work is creating an «ideal» mixture in the melt, with the aim of coagulating particles of valuable components (Ge, Au) and mix them with Zn, followed by their rise from the melt by evaporating zinc into the gas phase. Experiments carried out on a smelting reactor operating in the «ideal» mixing – «ideal» displacement mode, when melting Zn, Ge - containing slags, proved the feasibility of the proposed method. An assumption has also been made about the possibility of extracting fine gold from the ash and slag melt using a similar method. An assessment of the economic efficiency of the proposed technology shows: that in the case of extracting gold from the melt, the payback period of the investment does not exceed 2-3 years, and in the absence of extraction - 3-4 years.</p>A.B. DikhanbaevB.I. Dikhanbaev
Copyright (c) 2024 Engineering Journal of Satbayev University
2024-12-312024-12-311466172310.51301/ejsu.2024.i6.03Study of the phase formation mechanisms in composite ZrO2-Al2O3 ceramics with the addition of a stabilizing V2O5 dopant
<p>This article presents the results of the mechanisms of composite ZrO<sub>2</sub>-Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> ceramics at the addition of a stabilizing V<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub> dopant, a change in the concentration of which results in in grain size enlargement, porosity reduction, and the formation of a substitution Zr(V)O<sub>2</sub> phase in the structure at dopant concentrations greater than 0.10 M. During the conducted studies it was established that the addition of the V<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub> dopant to the composition of composite ZrO<sub>2</sub>-Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> ceramics leads to the enlargement of the ZrO<sub>2</sub> grains in the Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> matrix. Moreover, the enlargement of the ZrO<sub>2</sub> grains results in porosity reduction, as well as a change in the grains from a spherical shape to an irregular diamond shape, which is an alloy of smaller grains, the fusion of which is caused by the thermal effect during the melting of the V<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub> oxide. Moreover, if the concentration of the stabilizing V<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub> dopant in the composition of ceramics grows by more than 0.1 M, this leads to the formation of a finely dispersed fraction of V<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub> with an orthorhombic type of crystal lattice in the structure, the weight contribution of which is within 4-9% depending on the stabilizing dopant concentration. The formation of the partial substitution phase of Zr(V)O<sub>2</sub> observed at concentrations of the V<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub> dopant in the composition of ceramics above 0.1 M is due to the effects of thermal melting of vanadium oxide, which results in the initialization of grain coarsening processes due to sintering, as well as partial substitution of zirconium ions by vanadium ions in the composition of the monoclinic phase.</p>G.B. SeitmaganbetA.L. KozlovskiyD.B. BorgekovA.V. Trukhanov
Copyright (c) 2024 Engineering Journal of Satbayev University