Investigation of the physico-mechanical properties of cohesive soils in deluvial-proluvial (QII-III) and alluvial (QIII-IV) deposits of the Alakol Depression


  • M.M. Alzhigitova Satbayev University, Kazakhstan
  • M.R. Zapparov Satbayev University, Kazakhstan
  • E.S. Auelkhan Satbayev University, Kazakhstan
  • E.M. Kuldeyeva Satbayev University, Kazakhstan



absolute marks, depression, complex, alluvial, deluvial, physical and mechanical properties


When conducting engineering and geological surveys, one of the main tasks is to determine the physical and mechanical properties of soils. The physical properties of soils are necessary for accurate soil classification, while the mechanical properties are essential for calculating the stability of foundations, as well as the foundations of buildings and structures. This article presents the results of a study on the physico-mechanical properties of cohesive soils in deluvial-proluvial and alluvial deposits of the Alakol depression. Modern geological processes and phenomena in this region are mainly influenced by human engineering and economic activities, particularly land reclamation and construction. Until the 1960s, the development of certain UCPs (Unified Classification Points) was sporadic. The erosion activity of water flows was primarily observed during spring floods and heavy rains, leading to the washout and collapse of riverbanks. Deflation was evident in the Aeolian reworking of alluvial-lacustrine deposits, resulting in the formation of blow basins, sand dunes, wind ripples, and other microrelief features. Additionally, salinization and waterlogging led to the widespread development of salt marshes and puffin formations in areas with shallow groundwater levels.


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How to Cite

Alzhigitova, M. ., Zapparov, M. ., Auelkhan, E. ., & Kuldeyeva, E. . (2025). Investigation of the physico-mechanical properties of cohesive soils in deluvial-proluvial (QII-III) and alluvial (QIII-IV) deposits of the Alakol Depression. Engineering Journal of Satbayev University, 147(1), 24–30.