Water quality of the Syrdarya River and groundwater of the Kyzylzharma field in the Kyzylorda region (Kazakhstan)


  • M.K. Absametov Institute of Hydrogeology and Geoecology named after U.Ahmedsafina
  • K.T. Ospanov Satbayev University
  • B. Кenesbayeva Satbayev University




natural water, Syrdarya River, groundwater, Kyzylzharma field, water quality, chemical composition, change in groundwa-ter quality


This research’s purpose is to monitor changes in the water quality of the Syrdarya River and groundwater of the Kyzylzharma field for the sustainable supply of drinking water to the city of Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan. This article presents the results of chemical analyzes of natural waters of the Syrdarya River, taken from river water in the direction of flow, in the territory of Zhanakorgan, Kyzylorda and Kazaly. The results of the quality of groundwater used in some wells are presented in comparison with the drinking water standards in force in Kazakhstan.It should be noted that in the area of the Kyzylorda field, the mineralization of groundwater is 0.8-1.1 g/l, the sulfate content in the water of individual production wells reaches 690 mg/l, and the total hardness of groundwater is up to 14 mEq/l. The results of an assessment of possible changes in groundwater quality are presented. According to forecasts for February 16, 2038, the greatest increase in groundwater mineralization (by 0.22 g/l) will occur in wells with map numbers 131, 133, 135.




How to Cite

Абсаметов M. ., Оспанов K. ., & Кенесбаева, Б. . (2024). Water quality of the Syrdarya River and groundwater of the Kyzylzharma field in the Kyzylorda region (Kazakhstan). Engineering Journal of Satbayev University, 146(1), 30–38. https://doi.org/10.51301/ejsu.2024.i1.05