Substantiating applicability of Western Donbas coal seams (Ukraine) for underground coal gasification
underground coal gasification, coal seam, gas generator, coal, depositsAbstract
The paper studies areas of coal seams in the Western Donbass (Ukraine), which can potentially be suitable for underground coal gasification (UCG) technology, which, in the conditions of the difficult energy situation in Ukraine, can significantly affect the consumer market of energy carriers. On the basis of a detailed research on the mining-geological and mining-technical conditions of ten sites according to the criteria for their suitability for UCG, the optimal site and coal seam have been chosen. The structures of coal seams, side rocks (roof, bottom), the location and size of tectonic disturbances, hydrogeological conditions, as well as the technical and elemental composition of coal have been analyzed. Based on the conducted research, it has been determined that it is recommended to place the experimental underground gas generator on the C5 coal seam of # 4 site, located on the territory with the most developed infrastructure and optimal criteria for gasification suitability. The practical significance of the research is in the fact that the experience of mining the UCG # 4 site of the experimental gas generator allows adjusting the technology parameters for subsequent industrial replication. The proposed approach to the selection of a site and a coal seam can also be tested in other coal deposits with similar mining-geological and mining-technical conditions.
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